A Day Cleaning The Dishes
They sit there patiently waiting for someone to clean them
They feel dirty and disgusting
I hate washing the dishes
It's a chore I always have to force myself to do.
The dish detergent looks like it wants to be used
it wants to do it's job and help those dirty dishes get their shine back
I fill up the sink, dreading every second of it
and finally pop open to detergent and pour some into the water filled sink
bubbles appear everywhere and a fresh smell fills the kitchen
I have finally sucked it up and decided to do the dishes
one by one I place the dirty dishes into the soapy water
wash the plates, glasses, forks and knives,
scrubbing and placing the clean dishes down to dry
FINALLY, the dishes that were once so dirty
are now sqeaky clean
clean enough to see your reflection in them,
I must have outdone myself with these one I thought to myself.
As I turn around to finally sit down and relax
I see my little brother running to the cupboard to grab a glass and a plate,My temper started to boil
as I said, "you better be planning on washing that dish once you're finished mister!!"
.....Oh, whyyyyy bother
Ha ha! Fun poem here. Love the images and not so subtle despair!